Third Annual Churchill Symposium is a Smashing Success

May 22, 2013  |   Uncategorized   |     |   0 Comment

May 18, 2013, the National World War II Museum in partnership with the Churchill Society of New Orleans, and with support from Ms. Tina Flaherty, sponsored the third annual Winston S. Churchill Symposium.

After a hearty English breakfast in the American Sector Atrium, attendees took their seats in the auditorium for opening remarks by Dr. Gordon H. “Nick” Mueller, President of the National World War II Museum, Mr.J.Gregg Collins, President of The Churchill Society of New Orleans, and Dr. Keith Huxen, the National WWII Museum’s Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Director of Research and History.

We enjoyed presentations by Dr. Michael Shelden, author of “Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill”, Dr. Christopher Bell, author of “Churchill and Sea Power” and Mr. Paul Reid, author of “The Last Lion Hunted: Winston Churchill in 1940.”

Lunch and a performance of the Museum’s “Victory Belles” was followed by Dr. Rob Havers, Executive Director of the Churchill Memorial and Museum at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, who spoke on Churchill’s “Iron Curtain Address”. The symposium wrapped with a panel discussion of all four speakers, led by Gregg Collins.

Michael Sheldon signs his book, "Young Titan"

Michael Sheldon signs his book, “Young Titan”

Joan Collins and speaker Paul Reid enjoy a break in the lobby

Joan Collins and speaker Paul Reid enjoy a break in the lobby

Stalwarts of the National World War II Museum Nick Mueller and Boysie Bollinger

Stalwarts of the National World War II Museum Nick Mueller and Boysie Bollinger

Professor Brett Shufelt and sponsor Tina Flaherty

Professor Brett Shufelt and Tina Flaherty

Patton Crane, Alexis Smith, and Billy Eubanks

Patton Crane, Alexis Smith, and Billy Eubanks

Betsy is excited to meet former Louisiana Governor Charles "Buddy" Roemer

Betsy is excited to meet former Louisiana Governor Charles “Buddy” Roemer

Lee Pollock, Executive Director of the Churchill Centre announces the International Churchill Conference to be in New Orleans, April 3-5, 2014

Lee Pollock, Executive Director of the Churchill Centre announces the International Churchill Conference to be in New Orleans, April 3-5, 2014

Dr. Rob Havers discusses Churchill's Iron Curtain Address

Dr. Rob Havers discusses Churchill’s Iron Curtain Address

The panel ponders audience questions.

The panel ponders audience questions.