Churchill Symposium a Roaring Success

July 26, 2012  |   In the News   |     |   0 Comment

On Saturday, July 14, the Society, in partnership with the WWII Museum, presented the Second Annual Winston S. Churchill Symposium to the delight of Society members and Churchill scholar attendees from across the country. Many commented that this year’s event even surpassed last year’s in its diversity and discussion

CSNO president Gregg Collins and Lee Pollock,  president of the Churchill Center in the US.
Churchill Society of New Orleans President Gregg Collins with Lee Pollock, Chair of the US Churchill Center

Professor Brett Shufelt with students from Copia-Lincoln Community College, Mississippi enjoy the symposium

Dr. Gordon Mueller, President of the National WWII Museum, Herschel Abbot Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National WWII Museum and board member of the Churchill Society of New Orleans, J. Gregg Collins, President of the Churchill Society of New Orleans, and Dr. Keith Huxen, Senior Director of Research at the Museum made opening remarks, followed by presentations from Douglas Russell, author of Winston Churchill – Soldier: The Military Life of a Gentleman at War; Nigel Hamilton, author of Monty and the soon to be released FDR at War; Barbara Leaming, author of Churchill Defiant; and Barry Singer, author of Churchill Style. Following lunch and a entertainment from the Victory Belles, singing songs that Churchill would have enjoyed, a spirited panel discussion was led by Gregg Collins.

Author Barry Singer, assisted by his daughters, sign his book "Churchill Style"
Author Barry Singer, assisted by his daughters, sign his book “Churchill Style”.

Douglas Russell

Author Douglas Russell signs “The Orders, Decorations and Medals of Sir Winston Churchill”

Barbara Leaming

Barbara shares a laugh while recounting conversations with sources for her book “Churchill Defiant”.

Chuchill Society members Edie and John Wilson
Churchill Society members Edie and John Wilson

Churchill Society Members Walter Wolf, Joan Malter-Collins, John Boyd
Churchill Society members Walter Wolf, Joan Malter-Collins, and John Boyd

Lee Pollock

Lee adds to the discussion.

Symposium attendees from Nashville
Symposium guests from Nashville enjoy the day.

Gregg grabs orange juice at breakfast before the day begins.
Gregg grabs orange juice at breakfast before the day begins.