From the Times-Picayune: September 18, 2008

November 13, 2011  |   Uncategorized   |     |   0 Comment

This excerpt is taken from the story published by the New Orleans Times-Picayune on Thursday, September 18, 2008.

Fairly recently, The Churchill Society of New Orleans was “delighted to present” Celia Sandys, Winston Spencer Churchill’s granddaughter, at a reception and dinner held in her honor. (In the July 28 Newsweek, there was mention of “Chasing Churchill,” a travelogue that she narrated of the places he visited and loved.) For the society’s gathering, Ms. Sandys was billed as an “author, lecturer and frequent guest on the Chris Matthews and Charlie Rose shows.” Guests first assembled for champagne at the Garden District home of Ren and Andrew Wilkes and then walked the short distance to Commander’s Palace for dinner and the lecture, “Memories of My Grandfather.” Among those spearheading the evening were society president J. Gregg Collins and treasurer Dr. William “Bill” Reeves.

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