Become a Member Today!

We invite you to become a member of The Churchill Society of New Orleans. The Society depends upon its membership dues to fund the Essay Contest and to subsidize lectures and events throughout the year. Although we are affiliated with the International Churchill Society, a worldwide organization, we are separately organized under Louisiana law and are recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization.

An individual/family membership entitles the member to attend all TCSONO events with a spouse or a guest.
Members who donate $150 or more but less than $1,000 are recognized on our Letterhead as Sponsors.

Members who donate $1,000 or more are recognized on our Letterhead as members of the Orlin Corey Circle.

Some events have no additional charge while some require an additional fee, such as the annual dinner.

Application Form

Print out the application form and mail along with your check to:

Membership Chairperson; Ouida Laudumiey, 6048 Coliseum Street, New Orleans, LA 70118

Membership Fee:

Junior (under 40): $35

Individual: $75

Sponsor: $150

Orlin Corey Circle: $1,000 or more