A Churchill Confabulation – Times-Picayune, 1/9/12

January 10, 2012  |   Uncategorized   |     |   0 Comment

“Young Winston at War,” a feature of the first gathering, was presented as a lecture by Timothy Pickles at the Churchill Society of New Orleans’ annual Birthday Dinner honoring Sir Winston Churchill.  Additional highlightswere singers from the Loyola University College of Music, who performed songs from Churchill’s alma mater Harrow School with Carol Rausch accompanying on the piano; an “Interview With Churchill,” presented by Ted Martin and Herschel Abbott; lovely red rose centerpieces; and a menu that included salad, beef filet, appropraite wines and chocolate truffle mousse cake.

Headliners included society President J. Gregg Collins and spouse Joan Malter Collins; Anne Abbott and Louise Martin with “interviewer” Ted and “Churchill” Herschel; Orlin and Shirley Trusty Corey; the Eean McNaughtons, Christopher Tidmore, Hill Riddle Jr., Dr. Nick Mueller, Alexandra Mora and Walter Wolf, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adatto, Allain and Judy Andry, the Kevin Mackeys, Bill Reeves, and Hunter and Sherry McFadden.

Wendel and Betsy Stout with CSNO president Gregg Collins

Shirley and Orlin Corey, and Joan Collins

Shirley and Orlin Corey, and Joan Collins

John and Bonnie Boyd, and Herschel and Anne Abbott

John and Bonnie Boyd, and Herschel and Anne Abbott